Match tiles to go deeper and find treasure!

Match! Drop! Match! is an action puzzle game. Try to make it onto the leaderboard!


Controls and basic gameplay

Drag the mouse along three tiles with the first and last matching. When you make a match, the middle tile will drop down to the next board, and the first and last tiles will change color. (See the gameplay GIF above for some examples)

Use UP/DOWN, W/S, or the scroll wheel to move up and down between boards. 

As you go to deeper boards, you'll get many more points for making matches.

Press A to enable accessibility mode (helpful if you have trouble distinguishing the colors).

More gameplay details

There are two game modes. The main mode is timed - you get 2 minutes to score as many points as possible. There is also an untimed mode if you want a more zen experience (to submit a score in untimed mode, you have to click the "End Game" button in the bottom-right).

Making a match on the top board gives you 1 point, and each board below that is worth 3 times as many points. So making a match on the second board is worth 3 points, the third board is 9 points, the fourth board is 27 points, etc.

(Note: you definitely don't need to know this to play the game, but we're mentioning it just in case you're interested) When you make a match, the first and last tiles change in a deterministic manner. In particular, if you put the six colors in a "cycle" of red->orange->yellow->green->blue->purple->red, the first tile's color will move backwards one in the cycle, and the last tile's color will move forwards one in the cycle. 


Made with HaxeFlixel.

Design and programming by Phillip Ai, Colin Lu, Jon Schneider, and Anderson Wang.

Music by Anderson Wang

Art by Phillip Ai and Colin Lu

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
Made withOpenFL
TagsFast-Paced, Ludum Dare 48
LinksLudum Dare


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Lovely falling block puzzle game! It took me a while to get my head around the main mechanic for matching up starting and ending colours, but once I did the game turned out to be really fun. It'd be much nicer for the game to be extended each time you score a certain number of points or something rather than just being on a strict two minute timer, but I can understand why you might set it that way for the jam. Either way, great game, I'd love to see this polished up for a post-jam release. Great music too! :)